Seattle Outdoor Services

Built the website for a pressure washing business.

Image of a outdoor services website design on a desktop screen.


Seattle Outdoor Services is a premier provider of power washing, landscaping, and home improvement services and serves the local Seattle area. I worked directly with the owner, Kyle Gray, to design and develop a site that best represented their brand, mission, and business.

Whatever you seek to enhance, repair, or redesign, let us help.

After discussing his goals for Seattle Outdoor Services's online presence, I determined the best solution for creating the website would be to code the website in HTML, CSS, and JS, and host it on Netlify to minimize costs - it has a generous free tier.

I built a 4-page marketing website consisting of a home, about, services, and contact page and connected the github repository to Netlify for continuous deployment. I implemented Google Analytics tracking code and built a Data Studio Dashboard to interpret website performance in an easy work.

For streamlining online customer communications, I integrated the contact form with Seattle Outdoor Services' Slack workspace, so the team receives mobile push notifications and enables them to respond quicker.

View the live project:


  • HTML
  • CSS (Bootstrap)
  • JavaScript
  • Netlify
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Data Studio
Copyright © Taishi Walden.